The Lab

Contact Us
Soil Health and Characterization Lab
2488 TAMU/ 954 Agronomy Rd
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-2488
Attn: Isaiah Robertson
Phone: 979-321-5970
For nearly 50 years, the Soil Characterization Lab has supported research by providing laboratory services to faculty, graduate students, and the Texas Soil Survey Program. At its founding in the late 1970s, the lab focused on pedological characterization and was modeled after the Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory. In recent years, and with the completion of the soil survey in Texas, research interests have shifted to soil health. While the newly renamed Soil Health and Characterization Lab continues to offer its full suite of characterization services, it is expanding to offer more soil health metrics and will continue adapting to provide modern techniques and reliable data for many years to come.