If this is your first time seeing an oxidized pH being measured, you’re not alone. It’s a first for this lab too! We’ve enjoyed watching the color change from dull gray to red.

isaiah.robertson · ·
If this is your first time seeing an oxidized pH being measured, you’re not alone. It’s a first for this lab too! We’ve enjoyed watching the color change from dull gray to red.
isaiah.robertson · ·
We are hiring multiple student workers this fall to help out with lab work. Most of our former students have gone on to work for the NRCS or graduate school. Please apply here.
isaiah.robertson · ·
Renovations have finally reached major completion, and we are moving back into our labs! We have a new ultrapure water system, new balances, and extractors. We are about to start consolidating of our analytical equipment in one lab!
isaiah.robertson · ·
The lab refresh has been underway for the last couple weeks. All the electrical has been run for the new analytical lab and the walls and ceiling have been repaired and painted. New led lighting is expected this week! After that, the hard part starts, refinish all the benches and cabinets. We will keep you posted as new developments arise in this exciting time in the lab. In the mean time please excuse any delays as we are mostly shut down.
isaiah.robertson · ·
Our newest student worker, Sonja Peterson, starts working in the lab this week. Her duties will include sample prep, analysis, and lab maintenance. We are excited for her to join the lab.
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